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Craigie Primary School

Craigie Primary School

School Improvement Planning

Attainment in Craigie Primary has remained consistent with the majority of pupils making very good progress in maths, reading, writing and listening and talking. Joint planning with pupils and between staff, as well as collegiate moderation of pupils’ work has had a positive impact on attainment.

We have high standards and expectations in relation to literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing. We created curriculum pathways for Literacy, Numeracy and HWB, to ensure a consistent and progressive approach to planning learning, assessing and tracking progress in these subjects.

There is a calm, purposeful atmosphere within the school which supports children very well in their learning. Children are motivated and keen to learn. They have a very positive learning experience, working well individually and together in small groups. The level of interaction between children and staff is of a high quality. Staff and children plan together what they will learn and make effective use of a range of ongoing assessment strategies to enhance learning and shared identification of next steps.


School Improvement Planning:

Quality Improvement Plan 2023-2024


Standards & Quality Report

Standards and Quality Report 2022-2023