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Craigie Primary School

Craigie Primary School


GIRFEC: Getting It Right For Every Child

Most children get the help they need from their families, teachers, health practitioners and from their wider communities. However, at times, any family might need extra support. The Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) approach aims to make it as easy as possible for any child (and their parents) to get that help or support if they need it.

The Children & Young People (Scotland) Act defines wellbeing in terms of 8 indicators- Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Responsible, Respected, Included, known by the acronym SHANARRI. Where children enjoy wellbeing across the 8 SHANARRI indicators, then it is likely that they will develop well in terms of the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence (Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens).


For your child or family, GIRFEC will mean that:

  • Every child will have a designated Named Person, who will be a first point of contact for concerns
  • The Named Person will take action to address concerns
  • You will get the help you need, when you need it
  • The help will be proportionate, timely and appropriate
  • You will be listened to and involved in any decisions made


Named Person at Craigie Primary:

P1-7 : Mrs Lesley Gibson (Headteacher)

Nursery: Health Visitors


Further information is available at:
