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Craigie Primary School

Craigie Primary School

Craigie Primary’s Here to Help 

 Please find below links to organisations and services which we hope you will find useful and supportive. 

Financial Advice

PKC website- Benefits & Advice

Benefits and advice - Perth & Kinross Council (pkc.gov.uk)

Welfare Rights Team

Free, confidential and impartial welfare rights service to the residents of Perth & Kinross.



Health and Social Care

PKC website- Health & Social Care

Health and social care - Perth & Kinross Council (pkc.gov.uk)


Health Information


Promoting positive mental health for the people of Perth & Kinross


Anxiety UK

An extensive range of support services designed to help you control your anxiety.



When you’re living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, access to the right information is vital.


Housing Information

PKC website- Housing


Housing - Perth & Kinross Council (pkc.gov.uk)

General Advice

Citizen’s Advice Bureau (Perth)




Women’s Aid (Perth)

Supporting Perthshire women and children who are experiencing or have experienced Domestic Abuse.


Andy’s Man Club

Peer to peer support group for men over 18, to help them through life.


Parenting and Family Learning

PKC website- Parenting and family learning

 The parenting and family learning team offers a variety of friendly groups and services for parents and carers, helping build positive relationships.

(Incredible Years, Strengthening Families, Peep, Eat Well Live Well etc.)



Parent Club

Parent Club offers up-to-date guidance from the Scottish Government on your child’s health and education. It’s full of hints and tips from other parents and carers who’ve been there before. It also has advice to help you look after your own wellbeing and to point you in the direction of the support available.



Food and Clothing

Perth & Kinross Foodbank



Food Share scheme



Salvation Army Clothing Bank

Encourages reuse and recycling through a network of donation centres, charity shops and clothing banks.



PKC website

Free School Meals are offered to ALL pupils in P1 - P5 without the need for parents/carers to submit an application form. However, an application form must be completed if you also require a school clothing grant for your child in P1-P5.

Free school meals and school clothing grants - primary and secondary - Perth & Kinross Council (pkc.gov.uk)


Help to feed your family

The end of the Universal Credit uplift and rising food and heating costs has made life tough for many - thousands of families across Perth and Kinross are having to make do with much, much less than before. We know that this can make life difficult. Feeding your children can be a challenge. Perth & Kinross Council wants to help. Together with our Community Planning Partners we can ensure no child goes hungry, ever

